Don't forget that the Court of Honor that was scheduled for this Sunday, October 29th has been postponed until November 19th.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, November 4:
Scouting For Food bag drop off.
Saturday, November 4, 1:00pm:
Conservation Service Project. We will be supporting our Chartering Organization by raking leaves at the United Methodist Church parsonage.
Monday, November 6, 6:00pm:
PLC Meeting
Saturday, November 11:
Scouting For Food bag pickup, bring food collected to the UMC food pantry. We will announce the times the food pantry will be open to collect food at a later date.
Friday, November 17 - Sunday, November 19:
Camping at Wakpominee
Friday, December 1:
Holiday Parade
Monday, December 4, 6:00pm:
PLC Meeting
A reminder that at Monday's meeting (Oct. 30) the Scouts will be painting ornaments for the Village's holiday tree. It is requested tat the Scouts include something "scout related" on the ornament they paint. Scouts should wear their uniforms to the meeting but be prepared to paint, ex. bring an old tee shirt to change into, wear one under the uniform, or bring something to wear over the uniform. Scouting for Food bags and flyers will be distributed at this meeting. If you cannot make it to the meeting please contact me and I will make arrangements to get bags to you.
A reminder that all Scouts must have a current medical form in our files. The forms are confidential and are only seen by leaders if necessary, but if a Scout is at a scouting event their medical form is with Mr. Roby (or camp medical staff) in case of emergencies.
The troop also asks that a parent/scout contact form also be filled out. Email is used as our primary contact method and in order to get information to parents and Scouts we must have accurate contact information. Parents are copied on any email sent to youth by any of our leaders as part of Youth Protection policies. Links to the annual medical form and contact information form can be found in the "forms" section of this site.
Congratulations to Conley R. who completed his Life Board of Review at Monday's meeting.
A personal note:
I am sure everyone knows by now that my Mom passed away at the end of September. I want to take an opportunity to thank everyone for their support during this difficult time for my family. I had to step away from some of my duties with the troop while I helped care for her while she was ill and immediately following her passing. Mr Roby and I had to pass some of our duties and responsibilities to other leaders and we are so appreciative that they graciously covered for us. When our Scouts, leaders and families came to the funeral home during the service I was speechless. I thank you all and I cannot adequately express how much that meant to me. My entire family were so moved by the support. We know that attending calling hours or a funeral is very difficult and we are aware that many of our Scouts have probably never had the experience, which makes it more difficult and so much more appreciated. Many people at the service were touched and impressed by the conduct of our Scouts and the respect that they showed, we are still being asked about the troop even now. I have never been so proud to be part of an organization in my entire life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mrs. Roby
Upcoming Events
Saturday, November 4:
Scouting For Food bag drop off.
Saturday, November 4, 1:00pm:
Conservation Service Project. We will be supporting our Chartering Organization by raking leaves at the United Methodist Church parsonage.
Monday, November 6, 6:00pm:
PLC Meeting
Saturday, November 11:
Scouting For Food bag pickup, bring food collected to the UMC food pantry. We will announce the times the food pantry will be open to collect food at a later date.
Friday, November 17 - Sunday, November 19:
Camping at Wakpominee
Friday, December 1:
Holiday Parade
Monday, December 4, 6:00pm:
PLC Meeting
A reminder that at Monday's meeting (Oct. 30) the Scouts will be painting ornaments for the Village's holiday tree. It is requested tat the Scouts include something "scout related" on the ornament they paint. Scouts should wear their uniforms to the meeting but be prepared to paint, ex. bring an old tee shirt to change into, wear one under the uniform, or bring something to wear over the uniform. Scouting for Food bags and flyers will be distributed at this meeting. If you cannot make it to the meeting please contact me and I will make arrangements to get bags to you.
A reminder that all Scouts must have a current medical form in our files. The forms are confidential and are only seen by leaders if necessary, but if a Scout is at a scouting event their medical form is with Mr. Roby (or camp medical staff) in case of emergencies.
The troop also asks that a parent/scout contact form also be filled out. Email is used as our primary contact method and in order to get information to parents and Scouts we must have accurate contact information. Parents are copied on any email sent to youth by any of our leaders as part of Youth Protection policies. Links to the annual medical form and contact information form can be found in the "forms" section of this site.
Congratulations to Conley R. who completed his Life Board of Review at Monday's meeting.
A personal note:
I am sure everyone knows by now that my Mom passed away at the end of September. I want to take an opportunity to thank everyone for their support during this difficult time for my family. I had to step away from some of my duties with the troop while I helped care for her while she was ill and immediately following her passing. Mr Roby and I had to pass some of our duties and responsibilities to other leaders and we are so appreciative that they graciously covered for us. When our Scouts, leaders and families came to the funeral home during the service I was speechless. I thank you all and I cannot adequately express how much that meant to me. My entire family were so moved by the support. We know that attending calling hours or a funeral is very difficult and we are aware that many of our Scouts have probably never had the experience, which makes it more difficult and so much more appreciated. Many people at the service were touched and impressed by the conduct of our Scouts and the respect that they showed, we are still being asked about the troop even now. I have never been so proud to be part of an organization in my entire life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mrs. Roby