Happy Wednesday!
Hope everyone enjoyed their day off yesterday. If you did have to work, thank you, you have an important job.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, 3 /17, Happy St Patrick's Day
Saturday, 3/18, University of Scouting
Monday, 3/20, Troop Meeting and First Day of Spring Apparel orders due
Tuesday, 3/21 Troop Committee Meeting 7pm BSUMC
Friday-Sunday 3/24-26 Camping Boyhaven
Monday 3/27, Troop Meeting at Kayderosseras Fish and Game Club
Friday 3/31 - Saturday 4/1 Board Game Lock In
Just a note that the apparel order forms that went out last week had incorrect pricing information. The email had the correct prices but the order form did not. A new order form was emailed to everyone today with the new prices. If you didn't get one please let me know. Crossovers will need to purchase a baseball cap and atleast 1 T shirt.
I have updated the website with information about the troop uniform policy as well as important instructions for filling out the annual medical forms. This is especially important for anyone going to summer camp, but any troop campout or activity requires parts A and B from everyone in attendance.
I am working on updating the website with information about how our troop runs, as it is different than the way a cub scout pack runs. There are important changes that new parent's especially, should be aware of.
The troop committee meeting is Tuesday 3/21 at 7pm. We meet in one of the classrooms off the fellowship room (where we meet for troop meetings). We are needing volunteers for a couple of positions. The committee has more "behind the scene" positions, so if you want to be involved but don't want to be right out in front, this may be the perfect place for you to help out.
Hope everyone enjoyed their day off yesterday. If you did have to work, thank you, you have an important job.
Upcoming Events:
Friday, 3 /17, Happy St Patrick's Day
Saturday, 3/18, University of Scouting
Monday, 3/20, Troop Meeting and First Day of Spring Apparel orders due
Tuesday, 3/21 Troop Committee Meeting 7pm BSUMC
Friday-Sunday 3/24-26 Camping Boyhaven
Monday 3/27, Troop Meeting at Kayderosseras Fish and Game Club
Friday 3/31 - Saturday 4/1 Board Game Lock In
Just a note that the apparel order forms that went out last week had incorrect pricing information. The email had the correct prices but the order form did not. A new order form was emailed to everyone today with the new prices. If you didn't get one please let me know. Crossovers will need to purchase a baseball cap and atleast 1 T shirt.
I have updated the website with information about the troop uniform policy as well as important instructions for filling out the annual medical forms. This is especially important for anyone going to summer camp, but any troop campout or activity requires parts A and B from everyone in attendance.
I am working on updating the website with information about how our troop runs, as it is different than the way a cub scout pack runs. There are important changes that new parent's especially, should be aware of.
The troop committee meeting is Tuesday 3/21 at 7pm. We meet in one of the classrooms off the fellowship room (where we meet for troop meetings). We are needing volunteers for a couple of positions. The committee has more "behind the scene" positions, so if you want to be involved but don't want to be right out in front, this may be the perfect place for you to help out.