Hi Everyone!
A couple of quick reminders----
****There will be a troop committee meeting tonight at 7:00. Everyone is welcome.
****Popcorn Forms and popcorn money is due to Mr. Sanders at the next troop meeting.
****If any scouts have free time this weekend, the Ballston Spa Elks Club is looking for Scouts from the Troop to participate in a flag ceremony on Sunday Oct. 23 at the Saratoga National Cemetery. You should arrive by 10:30 in your class A uniform. It should only take about an hour and will count for community service. Contact Mr Roby if you have any questions.
Coming up on the weekends of Nov. 5th and 12th is our annual Scouting For Food drive. We collect food for the food pantry at the United Methodist Church. You can read more about the food pantry at this link www.ballstonspaumchurch.org/food-pantry.html
This time of year is difficult for families in need. Along with the holidays, the cold weather brings the extra expense of needing warmer clothes and heat for homes. Often times buying food is the only thing they can cut back on. It is shocking how many families the food pantry at this church serves and it isn't very difficult for us to help out. If we all just spend a few hours we can help so many people.
The first weekend (Nov 5) you take the scouting for food bags and hang them on the door knobs in your neighborhood. You can go to other neighborhoods as well if there isn't a scout already putting bags out. We will have slips of paper printed out that tells what the bags are for and what kinds of things are most helpful. Some people leave a bag or two, some leave nothing, but thats ok, every little bit helps. On Saturday, Nov. 12, go back through anyplace you left a bag and pick up any that are left out. When you have them all bring them to the food pantry during the collection hours (I will let you know what times the food pantry will be open later) and there will be someone there to collect your bags. Make sure you keep track of how much time you spend putting the bags out and collecting them because it counts for community service hours. Keep track of how many bags you collect so we will have an idea of what we collected. I'll post some safety reminders next week.
We usually distribute bags at the last scout meeting before we put them out. We don't have a meeting on Oct 31 so we will have bags ready to had out at the Court of Honor on the 30th. If you don't get them at the court of honor I will arrange to meet you someplace to get them.
Scouting For Food is one of the most important service projects that we do. The church relies on us, the food pantry counts on us and our community needs us.
You can read more about Scouting for Food here