Another Popcorn Show and Sell has been added to the calendar by Mr. Sanders. Friday, October 17 from 5-7:30 we will be selling at the Stewarts on Eastline Road at the corner of Rt 67. Other important dates to remember regarding popcorn...... order forms and money is due October 24 and popcorn will be distributed to the Scouts to deliver on November 21 during the troop meeting.
Calendar updates:
The PLC scheduled for September 19 at 6:00 will be held during the 7:00 troop meeting.
The printed schedule shows a troop meeting for October 10th. That day is Columbus Day and there will be no meeting.
Calendar updates:
The PLC scheduled for September 19 at 6:00 will be held during the 7:00 troop meeting.
The printed schedule shows a troop meeting for October 10th. That day is Columbus Day and there will be no meeting.
The deadline to apply for the 2016 National Eagle Scout Scholarships is October 31, 2016. You must be an Eagle Scout and a member of the National Eagle Scout Association to apply. More information is available here