Happy Wednesday......
**** Scouting For Food reminder. This weekend don't forget to put out Scouting for Food bags.
If you weren't at the Court of Honor and didn't get bags I have some, contact me and I can make arrangements to get them to you. You can also pick some up on Monday and put them out during the week. It is easier to put them out over the weekend but the point is to get them out.
Next week when you pick up the bags you need to take them to the food pantry at the church between 11am-1pm. The ladies from the food pantry will be there to collect the bags. Be sure you keep track of your hours and how many bags you collect. If you cannot get to the food pantry between 11 and 1 you may bring your donations to the troop meeting.
****Community Service Opportunity
The church is looking for some scouts to do some outside work (raking leaves) at the parsonage. Mr Roby is out of town this week and next weekend so he cannot be there or set anything up. I am asking for a couple of scouts to help out. It will count as community service and would be an excellent opportunity for one of our older scouts to demonstrate and practice his leadership skills by organizing. Please let me know if anyone can help out and I can get you more information. Remember, a Scout is Helpful, and this would be a huge help to the church and is not a difficult thing to do.
Congratulations to the Scouts who were recognized at our Court of Honor this past Sunday and a special Thank You to everyone who showed up to support them.
See you Monday!
**** Scouting For Food reminder. This weekend don't forget to put out Scouting for Food bags.
If you weren't at the Court of Honor and didn't get bags I have some, contact me and I can make arrangements to get them to you. You can also pick some up on Monday and put them out during the week. It is easier to put them out over the weekend but the point is to get them out.
Next week when you pick up the bags you need to take them to the food pantry at the church between 11am-1pm. The ladies from the food pantry will be there to collect the bags. Be sure you keep track of your hours and how many bags you collect. If you cannot get to the food pantry between 11 and 1 you may bring your donations to the troop meeting.
****Community Service Opportunity
The church is looking for some scouts to do some outside work (raking leaves) at the parsonage. Mr Roby is out of town this week and next weekend so he cannot be there or set anything up. I am asking for a couple of scouts to help out. It will count as community service and would be an excellent opportunity for one of our older scouts to demonstrate and practice his leadership skills by organizing. Please let me know if anyone can help out and I can get you more information. Remember, a Scout is Helpful, and this would be a huge help to the church and is not a difficult thing to do.
Congratulations to the Scouts who were recognized at our Court of Honor this past Sunday and a special Thank You to everyone who showed up to support them.
See you Monday!